They spew from Heaven’s ruptured seams; those shrieking, writhing beasts inside my waking dreams. They skulk along the veil of night and gaze voraciously upon our world so frail. Beware, the squirming swarms of limbs and tongues and obscene forms. Look up to the skies. Everywhere you look, they are watching; the stars, they are eyes. ![]() Pedro Iniguez is a speculative fiction writer and painter from Los Angeles. His work has appeared in Nightmare Magazine, Helios Quarterly, Star*Line, Space and Time Magazine, and Tiny Nightmares, among others. He can be found online at “After I saw the face in the paneled wall, Eyes closed, mouth set in a horrid, evil grin, At first, I felt no real dismay or fear, Although uneasy--since it seemed so clear! But slowly, very slowly dark thoughts began to win, The Face began my senses to appall. “I told my doctor that his office paneling Showed clearly a demon’s visage, a cursed face. I said, ‘It’s there man! Don’t you see!?’ He looked, he even stared, then said to me: ‘I want you to keep a journal to replace Your thoughts that ramble in delusional channeling.’ . . . I’ve broken in and must look. No escape! See now! The eyes! Wide open! Fanged mouth agape!” ![]() Frank Coffman is a writer. His special interests are in speculative poetry and fiction across the several genres of Weird, Supernatural, Horror, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Detection, and Adventure. His poetry is, almost exclusively, traditional and formal rhymed and metered verse. He rejects the notion that there is a "New Formalism," since he doesn't believe the "old" kind ever died. As a retired professor of college English, Creative Writing, and Journalism, he has published poetry, fiction, and scholarly research in a number of journals, magazines, and anthologies. He selected, edited, introduced, and did commentary for ROBERT E. HOWARD: SELECTED POEMS. He is interested in Stylometric Analysis and Formalism and in Rhetorical and Symbolic Criticism specifically. Follow Frank's blog at: and |
December 2024